Samsung Note-3 Neo Unlock done with Z3x Box
Samsung Note 3 Neo Model Image :
If you want to unlock Samsung Note 3 Neo with new security code then you can do in Z3x box in version of 18.2 it's simple but remember must your device rooted without root you can't unlock it and if you want to device root so must enable usb debugging without enable you can't rooted, must charged to device battery and here also put processing unlock code because it becomes ingrained unlocked in Z3x box many samsung model unlock in this box so can try to other model in that box it's unlock by phone turn on condition here no need any model for unlock just root device and attach mobile in to Computer or Laptop and open box and do unlock so let's go how to unlock Samsung Note 3 Neo in Z3x box.
Required for Unlock:
1. Samsung Note 3 Neo Model device
2. Z3x Box
3. Micro USB cable
4. Computer or Laptop
1. First Enable USB Debugging
2. Root your device
3. Attach Z3x Box
4. Open Samsung Tools 18.2 version
5. Choose Model SM-N7505
6. Choose correct Ports ( you can see correct post from Device Manager)
7. Now Attach your device in to Computer or Laptop
8. Wait until install drivers
9. Click on Unlock button
10. You are done from Unlocking (see below picture)
Selected model: SM-N7505Selected port: COM140 Z3X BOX Serial PortSelected port speed: 115200Waiting ADB device...Please, allow USB debugging on phone... OKReading phone info...Model: SM-N7505Android version: 4.3Product code: SM-N7505ZWAXSGPhone version: N7505XXUANACPDA version: N7505XXUANADCSC version: N7505OJVANA4IMEI: 352323063944896Phone S/N: RF8F70S387EChecking Super user right... trueReading nv data... OKChecking magic... OKRunning zTool, please wait... OKDetected new type of security version 0Calculating... OKUnlocking... OKRebooting phone... OKUnlock doneDone with Samsung Tool v.18.2